About Us
What makes us unique?
Rural school with a large outdoor space, bike track, and a family atmosphere.
All students have access to bikes and scooters
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Students guide their own learning by following interests using the Action Learning Cycle
Enviro School; we follow the enviroschool principals through aspects of learning
Hybrid Learning; senior class has 1-1 devices as a learning tool, junior classes have iPads.
Healthy eating promoted through lunch in schools, milk and weetbix sponsored by Fonterra
School pool with trained instructors to teach swimming skills
Have a strong understanding of all students learning and cater to their individual needs
We are a Positive Behaviour For Learning (PB4L) school
Supportive community and BoT
Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) we provide plentiful opportunities for learning in our community
Sensory Garden
All students have a set of wet weather gear to explore our environment in any weather
Our local area is Tuwharetoa, however, we border both Raukawa and Te Arawa.
Our school sits between two Marae, Mokai Marae and Ongaroto Marae both of which are Tuwharetoa. Ongaroto is an occupied Marae, while Mokai is the predominant Marae for local iwi gatherings.
Our school is situated in the rural area between Atiamuri and Marotiri.
Tirohanga is transforming, and with that we have our new school logo that embraces who we are following iwi and whanau consultation. The final logo reflects our Maunga, Pohaturoa, the Waikato River, the ferns and fronds that represent our nature based learning, and the land that is Tirohanga (The View).
Our Pinelands Schools cluster include, Whakamaru, Marotiri, and Mangakino. We share a number of events each term including, speeches, winter sports, swimming sport, online chess and mathletics, athletics, dance festivals, and other day events.
Tirohanga is situated close to Country Kidz ECE.